- Autores: José Carlos Rueda y Andrea Donofrio
- Título de la publicación: Collapsed Empires. Consequences of 1917 in the Mediterranean and the World.
- Lugar y editorial: Berlín, LIT Verlag
- Fecha: 2019
- Breve descripción del contenido:
The chapter focuses on the practices of symbolic mobilisation associated with Communist discourses. It concentrates on 1949 and 1977-79, on coordinates defined by the interaction between diverse geographical areas. In short, the following pages will explore some phenomena of agglutination and rupture, as well as certain centripetal and centrifugal logics present in the communist space, underlining the value of the symbolic dimension as a variable in processes of imperial articulation and discussion. The chapter analyzes the symbolic repertoires mobilized as a consequence of Stalin's 70th birthday, studying its global and specific features, and the symbolic practices associated with the discourse and representations of Mediterranean Euro-communism.